Workshops and mangrove restoration activities with theme "The importance of mangrove forest for humans and biodiversity"
English -> Below
Sabado, 28 Janeiro 2023 - Liu husi fundu rejionál Sudeste Aziátiku, ekipa SOA Timor-Leste hamutuk ho Konservasaun FLORA & FAUNA organiza/realiza atividade Workshop no Mangrove Restorasaun to tematiku "Importansia Floresta Mangrove ba Ema ho Biodiversidade"
Workshop ne'e aprezenta husi orador Dr. Mario Marques Cabral ho topiku "Importánsia husi mangrove ba ema no biodiversidade nia moris" no Alito Rosa ho topiku "Oinsá atu proteze no konserva habitante mangrove".
Depois workshop ekipa SOA Timor-Leste ne'ebe hetan apoiu husi ekipa Konservasaun Flora no Fauna (KFF) kontinua desloka ba kuda mangrove atus tolu (300) iha area Dolok Oan, Hera.
Partipantes sira ne'ebe partisipa iha Workshop ho Kuda mangrove ne'e hamutuk atus ida rua (102) mai husi;
Univesidade UNTL, Departamentu Pescas e Siéncia Marina, UNITAL Departamentu Peskas, UNPAZ, DIT'.
Aleinde husi universidade partisipa mos husi Grupu foinsa'e sira mak hanesan ESHANA, LCOY-TL, LSA-TL, TIEN CLUB, RYLA-TL, Joventude Hadomi Komunidade, TROBAS, BEACH CLEAN UP, EKLIVO no Komunidade sira.
Ekipa SOA Timor-Leste hakarak hato'o agradece no obrigado uain ba orador nain 2, Dr. Mario Marques Cabral ho Maun Alito Rosa hanesan mos Diretor Executive KFF. Ami mos la haluha hato'o agradece no obrigado uain ba Konservasaun Flora no Fauna (KFF) ne'ebe mak oferese ona fatin ba workshop iha Sentru Estudo Mangrove, no prepara ona viveirus atus tolu (300) ba ami kuda iha area Dolok Oan, Hera.
Ekipa SOA Timor-Leste mos hakarak hato'o obrigado no apresiasaun ba Estudante UNTL husi Departamentu Peskas e Siencia Marina, ne'ebe mak apresenta ona simulasaun konaba Importansia Mangrove iha fatin workshop. Ikus liu ekipa SOA Timor-Leste hato'o agradece no obrigado uain ba komunidade, estudantes, grupu foinsa'e sira hotu ne'ebe mak partisipa ona iha ami nia atividade workshop ho mangrove restorasaun iha Hera.
Karik iha implementasaun atividade ne'e mak lao ladun diak, ami ekipa SOA Timor-Leste husu deskulpa!
English Version
Saturday, 28 January 2023 - Through Southeast Asia regional grant, SOA Timor-Leste team together with Konservation Flora no Fauna organised/conducted workshops and mangrove restoration activities with theme "The importance of mangrove forest for humans and biodiversity"
This workshop was presented by guest speakers, Dr. Mario Marques Cabral with theme"The importance of mangrove for humans and biodiversity life" and Alito Rosa with theme "How to protect and conserve mangrove habitats". After the workshop SOA Timor-Leste team supported by Konservasaun Flora no Fauna (KFF) team, we continued travel to plant a 300 mangrove seeds at Dolok Oan, Hera.
The participants in the workshop and mangrove planting were 102 people from;
UNTL, Department of Fisheries and Science Marina, UNITAL, Department of Fisheries, UNPAZ, DIT.
In addition from the university, also participated from youth groups such as ESHANA, LCOY-TL, LSA-TL, TIEN CLUB, RYLA-TL, Youth Love Community, TROBAS, BEACH CLEAN UP, EKLIVO and Community.
SOA Timo-Leste team would like to thank guest speakers, Dr. Mario Marques Cabral and Maun Alito Rosa as Executive Director of KFF. We also want to thank Konservasaun Flora no Fauna (KFF) for offering place for our workshops at the Mangrove Study Centre, and prepared 300 mangrove seeds that we planted at Dolok Oan area, Hera.
Team SOA Timor-Leste also would like to thank and appreciated the UNTL Students from the Department of Fisheries and Marine Science, who presented the simulation of the Importance of Mangrove at the workshop. Finally, SOA Timor-Leste team want to thanks to the communities, students, youth groups, organization who participated in our activity workshop with mangrove restoration in Hera.
If the implementation of this activity is not going well, our SOA Timor-Leste team apologies!
Media SOA Timor-Leste