Board Team - Hub Leaders
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Hub Leader & Coordinator
Graduated from Jakarta Fisheries University with a major in Aquatic Resource Management, and holds a Double Master's Degree in Environmental Science from Diponegoro University and International Global Fisheries Sciences from Pukyong National University, South Korea. Formerly served as a Technical Investigator for the Fisheries and Marine Science sector at the National Institute of Fisheries and Aquaculture. An Invited lecturer in the Department of Fisheries and Marine Science at Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e and currently working on the SOMACORE Project with Conservation International Timor-Leste. Specializes in Fisheries Biology, Marine Conservation, and Fish Pathology.
Hub Leader & Vice-Coordinator
I am a graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Management and Planning. Currently I work with UNDP Timor-Leste as an Environmental and Solid Waste Management consultant under recycling and youth actions projects. My role is to provide technical and advisory supports in the area of awareness and behavior change activities. I also support youths in areas of leadership, innovation, youth voices, and opportunities at one of the youth hubs in Dili. Besides, I am the vice-coordinator of a Timorese Youths Initiative For Development (TYIFD) youth group, where we work voluntarily to provide series of mentoring, lead environmental awareness activities, provide business networking event and leadership development program. As a young leader, my desire is to work together with fellow youths to promote awareness-raising campaigns and behavioral change to increase sustainable practices across the country.
Hub Leader & Program Manager
Graduated in Fisheries Science from Tual State Fisheries Polytechnic in Southeast Maluku, Indonesia, with a specialization in marine biology, ecology, fisheries management and data, ecosystem restoration, GIS and ICT in fisheries. He bring over five years of experience with a proven track record in project design and management, fisheries program management, monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL), as well as marine conservation, research, and data analysis using both qualitative and quantitative methods.
He is working full time at Blue Venture Timor-Leste as M&E Coordinator since 2021, and now as Fisheries Program Manager.
Driven by a passion for supporting coastal communities and small-scale fisheries in Timor-Leste, He is dedicated to leveraging my expertise, experience, and innovative solutions to promote sustainable fisheries, enhance the resilience and well-being of coastal communities, and foster a thriving blue economy for future generations.
Hub Leader & Program Coordinator
Junior Gama Pinto is a finalist student of Fisheries and Marine Science for the undergraduate and a young Timorese diver who is a potential youth leader for the ocean safeguard, through organizing many ocean related activities, in order to guarantee a healthy ocean and people. Now, he is a programmer in the youth group of Youth For Blue Action Development Initiative (YFBADI) with the first mission in Nile Tilapia framing
Our Team
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Clelio I. G. Xavier
Project Assistance
Cliverson Maher
Technical Assistance
Alexandre Luis Pereira
Field Technical Team
Estevão Luis da Costa
Field Technical Team
Avio Lucas
Field Technical Team
Jakeu Soares
Field Technical Team
Joanico Corte Real
Field Technical Team
Airos Benevides da Cruz
Field Technical Team
Rogerio Babo
Field Technical Team
Otelio Nunes
Field Technical Team
Abilio Duro-Loe
Field Technical Team
Marta Pereira do Rego
Finance Team
Alcina Amaral
Finance Team
Inacio Moreira
Finance Team Team
Carolin de Angel B. Abilio
Administrative Team
Melgia Q. Henriquesa
Administrative Team
Martinho da Costa
Administrative Team
Leticia Lay Soriano
Administrative Team
Frederico Emanuel de Castro Andrade
Administrative Team
Armenia L. de J. M. F. Gaio
Emergency Safety Team
Clementina F. A. Gusmão
Emergency Safety Team
Baquita Serrão
Emergency Safety Team
Zelia H.V. Sarmento
Design Team
Jelson Qumarc
Design Team
Support Team
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MJ Lamoste
SOA Southeast Asian Regional Representative
Women Initiatives of Tagpi-Tagpi
Deonisio Barreto Viana Rangel
SDI-Rescue Diver
Conservationist and Naturalist
Natalia da Silva
Advance Diver
SOMACORE Project - Conservation International
Deonisio Matos
Open Water Diver & Marine Wildlife Operations Office
Whale Watching
Lourenço Marto Tavares Pinto
SDI Open Water Diver
Fisheries and Marine Science Student